Defective or underperforming semiconductor devices often show an anomalous distribution of the local power dissipation, leading to local temperature increases. ELITE VX system utilizes Lock-in IR Thermography (LIT) to accurately and efficiently locate these areas of interest.
Lock-in IR Thermography (LIT) is a form of dynamic IR thermography which provides a much better signal-to-noise ratio, increased sensitivity and higher feature resolution than steady-state thermography. LIT can be used in IC analysis to locate line shorts, ESD defects, oxide damage, defective transistors and diodes, and device latch-ups. LIT is performed in a natural ambient environment without requiring light-shielding boxes.
Figure-1. Lock-in IR Thermography (LIT) – ELITE VX
Figure-2. The ability to locate a thermal source in 3D makes the ELITE system well-suited for stacked-die analysis.
Figure-3. Differential temperature resolution of < 1mK after a few seconds; < 10 uK after a few hours.
▼300um*300um Bump cross-section
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